Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity suffer from erectile dysfunction. There are several reasons that contribute to this and their number increases every year. Do not panic, because in the vast majority of cases treating potency with folk remedies is quite effective.

Sexual impotence manifests itself in the form of impaired sexual relations, decreased libido, premature ejaculation and loss of reproductive function.
These pathological conditions can be caused by urological diseases, vascular obstruction, long-term somatic diseases and more.
Diabetes mellitus, psychoneurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and nicotine and alcohol abuse can also lead to impotence. Men over 40 need to pay attention to their metabolism.
An age-related decrease in metabolic activity can inhibit the function of many organ systems. Treatment after age 60 requires a combined approach using several medications.
To stimulate metabolic processes in general and increase potency in particular, foods rich in vitamin E are suitable.
This vitamin is found in high concentrations in lemongrass and hawthorn fruits. Additionally, vitamin E is found in nuts, chives, parsley and legumes.
It has been observed that increased male power is associated with protein-rich foods. By regularly eating fried meat, sea fish and quail eggs, you can provide your body with a sufficient supply of proteins, which will not only restore erectile function, but also improve overall well-being.
Protein is an essential building component required for many biochemical reactions. To remain strong and healthy until old age, you need to avoid protein deficiency in your diet.
In chronic hypotensive patients, the use of various stimulants, such as caffeine, chocolate or a small amount of alcohol, can significantly affect the quality of potency.

It has been observed that a glass of wine can temporarily increase blood pressure, help you relax, and increase libido.
Traditional medicine and potency treatment
If you look at popular recipes, you will find many herbal ingredients that can have a positive effect on erectile function.
Dubrovnik– is an excellent remedy that tones the entire body and tunes it with the intimate sphere. This plant is best consumed as an infusion:
- take 100 g of dry dubrovnik and pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol;
- mix everything in a suitable container and place it in a place protected from children;
- the tincture must be kept in a cool, dark place for 20 days;
- Once every 4 days you need to shake the container.
After the 20th day, the tincture will be ready for use.
Use 1 tablespoon 60 minutes before bed or 30 minutes before intended intimate contact.
Ginseng root– known as a medicine with a broad spectrum of action. For the first time, ancient Chinese healers thought of using ginseng root for medicinal purposes.
Initially, the root was used to improve general well-being, increase activity and improve health, but over many years of practice, its stimulating effect on potency was discovered.
In ancient times, only members of the imperial family could use ginseng for medicinal purposes. A commoner who violated this rule was severely punished.
There is an opinion: the most effective drugs for treating erectile dysfunction are based on ginseng root.

"Take ginseng root regularly if you want to stay healthy and young for a long time, " a traditional healer recommends.
Potency treatment can be started by preparing a tincture:
- take 20 g of dried and chopped ginseng root and add 200 ml of alcohol;
- store the medicine infusion for about 10 days in a dark place protected from direct sunlight;
- take 20 drops before bed.
The course of treatment, on average, is about 30 days.
During the Middle Ages, Western European aristocrats liked to add to their dietBrigadier. With regular use of this mushroom, sexual stamina improves, libido increases and the man begins to feel a general surge of strength.
Confirmation of this effect is the well-known truffle fan Casanova - a lover of heroes, famous throughout the world for his sexual exploits.
Of course, not everyone can afford to buy at least 1 kilo of this delicacy (average cost of US$800), so we have to look for alternatives.
How does ginger affect male power?
A popular remedy often used to improve erectile function isred-haired. The numerous components that make up this plant provide a pronounced effect in terms of normalizing erections.
The main components of ginger are:
- Vitamins B, A and C;
- Essential amino acids;
- A number of microelements necessary for the normal implementation of biochemical reactions;
- Essencial oils.
Ginger has been used for a long time in various fields of activity (cosmetology, cooking, medicine). Depending on the desired effect, use fresh or dry product.
To prevent erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to add ginger to food as a seasoning.

The most popular folk remedies for the treatment of potency based on ginger root, used to restore physiological function, are:
- The easiest way is to boil water and a plant. Then you can even add it to tea along with honey.
- Take a slice of lemon and cover it with ginger and salt. You should eat a slice no more than 2 hours before bed, preferably 3. Ginger tends to stimulate the nervous system, which can make it difficult to fall asleep later.
- Another popular remedy is ginger tincture: take 100 g of fresh ginger and add 300 ml of 40% alcohol. The infusion must be stored in a place protected from the sun for 2 weeks. Take 10 drops of ginger tincture 2 to 3 hours before bed.
Despite the beneficial effect it has, ginger still has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which regular treatment with this plant is highly discouraged:
- Hypertonic disease. The product can drastically increase blood pressure, which means it has a negative effect on people suffering from high blood pressure. However, if a person is concerned about hypotonic conditions, ginger tea may be recommended for medicinal purposes;
- Urolithiasis disease;
- Stomach ulcer;
- Cardiac insufficiency.
"Don't abuse ginger if you don't want heart complications! " - advice from a cardiologist.
Another interesting way to restore full sexual activity is the use of calamus decoction.
- take 20 g of carefully chopped rhizome and add 200 ml of boiling water.
- let the broth ferment for 12 hours and strain.
After all these simple manipulations, the medicine will be ready for use. It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of the decoction 15 minutes before meals.
Other folk remedies
Often used in folk medicinepurple sedum.
According to reviews of people who regularly used this herb for medicinal purposes, we can conclude: sedum has a beneficial effect not only on low potency, but also on female infertility.

Preparation of a sedum-based medicine:
- Take a glass of warm water and pour 50 g of chopped dry herbs into it.
- let it rest for about 4 hours and then strain through cheesecloth.
Take 2 tablespoons of infusion, diluting it in half a glass of water.
To improve reproductive function in men, it is recommended to usecoriander sativum.
The treatment provides a beneficial healing effect: it allows you to activate the body's internal reserves and increase male fertility.
To prepare a coriander-based decoction you need:
- find a suitable enamel container and pour 50 g of plant seeds into it;
- then pour 600 ml of boiled water over them, cover the container and let it brew for 10 minutes;
- filter the broth through several layers of gauze and drink half a glass 30 minutes before bed.
Particularly popular among traditional healers are decoctions and tinctures based ongalangal. This plant is famous for its healing and stimulating properties. There are some known recipes for making medicinal galangal potions.
- find a suitable container;
- pour 150 g of dried and peeled galangal root and add 500 ml of 40% alcohol;
- The tincture should be stored in a cool, dark place, protected from contact with children, for 1 month. It is advisable to shake the container every 3 days.
The infusion will be ready to use when it begins to acquire a color similar to tea. It is recommended to take the medicine 30 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Second recipe:
- take viburnum bark and dried galangal root;
- carefully grind both components in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water;
- Let the broth cool for 30 minutes and then strain through cheesecloth.
The healing effect of the decoction is manifested if it is taken 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
Weak power is a serious problem that requires a comprehensive approach to its solution. Despite the high effectiveness of traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist at the beginning of treatment. Only an experienced doctor will be able to correctly determine the cause of impotence and prescribe adequate treatment therapy.